December 12 Shipment

New Shipment of Stink Pot Turtles have arrived.


DEC.24 : 12NOON TO 5PM


DEC.26 : 12NOON TO 5PM



Livestock we received on
the week of December 12:


Red, Blue, Green, Thai Flag, Yellow Blue, and Dragon Crowntail Betta

Butterfly and Fancy DB Betta

Red, Blue, Green and Dragon Longtail Betta

Butterfly, Fancy, Dragon, and Big Ear HM Betta

Assorted Koi HMPK Betta

Spotted Sailfin pleco
Coloured Glass Tetra
Tire Track Eel
Horse Face Loach
Gold Severum Cichlid
Uaru (Uaru amphiacanthoides)
Electric Blue Acara
Panda Corydora
Cuckoo Catfish (Synodontis Petricola)
Albino Pleco
Green Tiger Barb
Pink Tail Characin
Neon Tetra
Cardinal Tetra
Emperor Tetra
Serpae Tetra
Red Bellied Piranha
Red Belly Tetra
Hatchet Fish
Red Rainbow
Micro Rasbora
Neon Dwarf Rainbow
Peruvian Altum Angel
Kuhlii Loach
Clown Loach
Delhezi Bichir
Senegalus Bichir
Albino Senegalus Bichir





Dog and Cat supplies
on clearance!

from 20% to 70%
on select items!



Saltwater Fish:

Algae Blenny
Golden Head Sleeper Goby
Leatherjacket Filefish
Orange Diamond Spot Goby
Sailfin Tang
Blue Sided Fairy Wrasse
Black Fin Fairy Wrasse
Long Nose Hawkfish
Carpenter Wrasse
Bicolour Angel
Coral Beauty
Double Bar Rabbitfish
Blue Throat Trigger
Copperband Butterfly
Royal Flasher Wrasse
Yellow Watchman Goby
Yellow Coris Wrasse
Dogface Puffer
Yellow Angel

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Happy Holidays,