December 6 Shipment

Livestock we received on
the week of December 6:


Golden Pleco
Golden Blue Eyed Bristlenose Pleco
Hi Fin Peppered Corydora
O.B Peacock Cichlid
Kenyi Mbuna Cichlid
Bolivian Ram
Tri-Coloured Micky Mouse Platy
Sunburst Platy
Kohaku Swordtail
Cleaner Amano Shrimp
Orange Shrimp
Snowball Shrimp

Dog and Cat supplies
on clearance!

from 20% to 70%
on select items!






Saltwater Fish:

Yellow Tang
Flame Angel
Yellow Eye Kole Tang
Purple Tang
Flame Hawkfish
Chevron Tang
Queen Trigger
Horseshoe Crab
Emerald Crab
Peppermint Shrimp
Royal Gramma

Saltwater Coral:

Assorted Ultra Acropora
Ultra Duncan
Assorted Ultra Zoanthid
Ultra Micromussa
Orange Frogspawn
Reverse Stem Hammer Coral
Turbinaria Heronensis
Dendrophyllia (?)

Colonies will not be for sale and will be given
time to acclimate to our light as well as
system before they’re fragged.






A few photos of our most recent Ultra Aussie Acropora shipment, along with some of our other great looking and fully healed pieces in our coral collection below:

These picture don’t do these acros justice, best viewed in person. They’re a little pale but lets see how they develop in our system after a couple weeks.


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