September 13 Shipment

Livestock we received on
the week of September 13:


Black Bristlenose Pleco
Golden Spotted Pleco
Hi Fin Black Bristlenose Pleco
Golden Blue Eye Bristlenose Pleco
Bronze Corydoras
Jacobfreiberghi Peacock
Yellow Tail Acei
Blue Lumphead Cichlid
Green Terror
Lavender Parrot
Pygmy Gourami
Red Torpedo Barb (Denison Barb)
Xray Tetra
White Marble Angelfish
Zebra Angelfish
Cleaner Amano Shrimp
Assorted Angelfish
Blue Velvet Shrimp
Red Balloon Parrotfish



Fluval bluetooth controlled
LED now in stock.
More info:



Melanurus Wrasse
Six Line Wrasse
Solorensis Wrasse
Powder Blue Tang
Spiny Porcupine
Pinktail Trigger
Banggai Cardinal
Long Nose Hawkfish
Arc Eye Hawkfish
Captive Bred Ocellaris Clownfish
Captive Bred Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish
Ringtail Tang
White Spine Tang
Yellow Eye Tang
Blond Naso Tang
Two Spot Bristletooth
Striped Bristletooth
Peach Anthias (Male)
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Nassarius Snail
Astrea Snail
Abalone Snail
Strawberry Tectus
Mexican Turbo Snail
Randalli Pistol Shrimp
Harlequin Shrimp
Blue Eye Hermitcrab
Sandsifting Starfish
Black Long Spine Sea Urchin
Rock Boring Sea Urchin
Tuxedo Sea Urchin
Pencil Urchin

Red Eared Slider Turtles in stock.


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